How Do You Practise?

Feb 17, 2023 · 1 min read
How Do You Practise?
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Having spent a few hours down the local pool hall last night watching county players practise, it got me wondering. How do players practise?

The tough table challenge set by Stephen Hendry is a great way to practise full table positional play with a mix of challenging shots and pots with a few simpler pots and shots where cannons come into the equation as well.

This is an extremely challenging drill as demonstrated by Jayson Shaw. The ‘infamous’ Darren “Dynamite” Appleton drill.

Different cue sport disciplines have similar practise drills. What drill(s) do you use to practise positional play on a busy table? How do you practise cue ball control? How do you setup to practise those tough tables that present themselves from time to time? What drill do you use for routine run outs in 9 ball? What is your mid/long pot drill? How long do you practise for? How many times a week do you play/practise? What standard do you play at?

Join Disqus and post and share a photo of your favourite practise table set up. We would love to hear from you and who knows, there may be a new drill for us to try…